Tuesday, February 16, 2016

What is the difference between individualism and collectivism? What is the relationship between government and business under each orientation?

What is the difference between individualism and collectivism? What is the relationship between government and business under each orientation?

#Daniels #15edition #PoliticalLegalEnvironments #Chapter3
International Business: Environments and Operations, 15e, Global Edition (Daniels et al.)

1 comment:

  1. Answer: The doctrine of individualism emphasizes the primacy of individual freedom, self-expression, and personal independence. Individualism values the individual's ambitions and opposes external interference by the government that constrains individual choice. Under individualism, the role of the government is to protect the liberty of individuals to act as they wish, so long as they do not infringe upon the liberties of others. Countries with an individualist orientation typically have an economy shaped by the idea of laissez-faire, meaning that the government should, for the most part, not interfere with business.

    In contrast, the doctrine of collectivism emphasizes the primacy of the group—class, society, or the nation—over the interests of the individual. The group as a whole is greater than the sum of its individual parts. Individuals define themselves in connection with the group. Under collectivism, activities in the marketplace must improve the welfare of society. Systems that feature a collectivist orientation, then, hold that government should intervene in business situations to ensure that business practices benefit the group.
